What we do

Our overarching aim is to improve the competitive position of our growers.

We are committed to harnessing the synergies and opportunities that a Producer Organisation (PO) structure can offer. These include gains in production; better demand planning; improved product and process quality; better marketing; better agronomy; increased training and additional environmental actions.

Increasing competitiveness is an absolute essential in the highly competitive UK marketplace; producing quality mushrooms at lower costs is the key to being competitive.

We access the funds available under the PO scheme to invest in areas where it is most needed – improving productivity, product quality and working conditions.

Our immediate investment priority is to upgrade production facilities and infrastructure, ensuring that we:

  • Produce quality mushrooms
  • Maximise the efficient operation of our farms
  • Address labour challenges by improving productivity.

Our other priorities are to:

  • Support R&D and innovation on production, grading, packing and chilling techniques.
  • Promote supply chain efficiencies to reduce costs, increase product quality and volumes and improve grower returns.

By adopting a collaborative approach, Mushroom PO members benefit from creating critical mass and product range, enabling them to meet a wider range of customer demands.